Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thing 12 - ROLLYO

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HERE IS MY ROLLYO! Whoo-hoo it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be.

My Rollyo is for "Ancient Egypt" websites. I've only uploaded a few sites that I use, but will soon add more. This Rollyo is because this year I did a twelve week program on Ancient Egypt with Isleton School's 6th grade class. It was a BLAST! We made cat mummies, sugar pyramids, learned how to write our names in hieroglyphs, learned about the Nile River and Gods and Pharaohs. The 6th grade teacher begged, yes BEGGED, me to collaborate with her again (I am grinning like the Cheshire Cat) to do it again next year. It was as much fun for me as it was for the kids. We had a wrap-up party at the end where we watched a video about ancient Egypt, had Egyptian type foods and drinks and praised everyone's work.

1 comment:

  1. Something about those ancient civs - my daughter's middle school had me out one year and back for the next three... but mine was more about the research. Go Natalie!
