Saturday, May 23, 2009

Update on my house!

Here is an "inside" picture, the outside isn't changing much anymore. On the outside they still have to paint and put in the porch (trex-deck), and of course steps and then we landscape; but all of that is a little further down the road.

So now I think I better start showing the inside. I took this picture standing in the doorway of my front door and I'm looking towards the living room. The area I'm focused on will be a floor to ceiling bookcase that spans the whole wall and my TV will be in the middle. I'm hoping to buy a library ladder but boy are they pricey! If anyone has a good tip on getting one for less, let me know! I check ebay every so often but haven't found any that fit right. I have an antique ladder that can be used but even the "hardware" for a library ladder is expensive.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thing #14 - Technorati

Well, I played around Technorati - I looked up the tags "new home" and found some cool blogs to follow, decorating and stuff. I don't know how much I'll use this site - there have been other things I've learned that I've loved more - like BLOGGING! I know....I know....I can put tags on my own blogs so people can "find" me - I will! that will be cool.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thing #13 -

This site was confusing to me. I could not watch the 8-minute video, something about "Media Player Classic could not find something, blah, blah, blah" one of those error messages. It asked me if I wanted to look for pegs or something like that on the net.

I went ahead and registered, because it SOUNDS like a site I might like - it SOUNDS like it's a site that will organize my bookmarks? But I guess I'm confused about that too. I just need a "layman's" explanation of what the heck this site is for! So, as I said, I did register and right away it asked me to download something so that something would pop up and bookmark my pages, or something like that.... well, I went ahead and clicked to do that and ANOTHER ERROR CAME UP! I'm just confused about everything to do with Which brings me to it's slightly stupid name!!! What they hey? Do you just say it's name "delicious" or do you slowly pronounce each syllable - de-li-ci-ous ?? It gives me a headache thinking about it.

This looks like the type of site that might be useful IF you have the time to really sit and play with it and figure it out - and right now I don't feel like I have a lot of time to play with something that I don't really know if I'll use or not.

There are so many choices of new things on the web!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thing 12b - my house again!

Okay, every other post has to be a picture of my house - sorry!

Here it is, gosh I feel like I could move in! Oh wait, there are no walls inside, or flooring, or heat or air or water or electricity......

Thing 12 - ROLLYO

Powered by Rollyo

HERE IS MY ROLLYO! Whoo-hoo it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be.

My Rollyo is for "Ancient Egypt" websites. I've only uploaded a few sites that I use, but will soon add more. This Rollyo is because this year I did a twelve week program on Ancient Egypt with Isleton School's 6th grade class. It was a BLAST! We made cat mummies, sugar pyramids, learned how to write our names in hieroglyphs, learned about the Nile River and Gods and Pharaohs. The 6th grade teacher begged, yes BEGGED, me to collaborate with her again (I am grinning like the Cheshire Cat) to do it again next year. It was as much fun for me as it was for the kids. We had a wrap-up party at the end where we watched a video about ancient Egypt, had Egyptian type foods and drinks and praised everyone's work.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Okay, back to my house....

Okay, now that I dutifully talked about Thing #11 (Library Thing - which I love) I can talk about my house guilt free.

Here is a new picture, taken yesterday evening. The roofing is done, the doors are going in, the siding is going on. Not that anyone cares but all of the venting in the roofing is coming out on the backyard side of the house, that way when you drive up you'll only see a very clean-line roof. We had decided against anything "fancy" on the roof - no gables or dormers or anything like that. We do have the 9' high ceilings inside, though, so that's cool.
I've been taking all of my pictures from the same angle. Maybe next time I'll get a shot from the back, or up on the levee. We'll see.....

Thing #11

Thing #11 - Library Thing. Loved it! I uploaded my Harry Potter titles and Gone With the Wind (of course!). I haven't had a ton of time to play with it, but will!

I have a book at home that I keep track of all the books I read. I would like to make a list online of those and then I could catalog the books I actually own - which actually are not that many since I feel like I "own" the millions of books available through SPL and Link+

I think Library Thing is something that I will get a lot of use out of.